Dienstag, 23. Oktober 2018

It Hurts to Say Goodbye

Master Jakobus Borgenicht is dead. He died after a really heroic fight, killing two rival wizards and an apprentice. A trap was his doom, having sustained quite some damage already.
His apprentice could have taken over the warband, but chose not to. Nathaniel will return to his homeland far south.

When three players decide that your luck is too great for this evening, rolling too many 20's, it is only a matter of time until your luck turns. And this is what happened to me now.

Defending against two players, killing off two wizards and an apprentice, my band got smaller and smaller. I had already understood that I would make it off the board with only one treasure in this game - but then, the third player rolled a 1 at her initiative, springing a trap.

Jakobus had already outlived two traps, one because he was a Chronomancer and the second because of a good roll. But the third trap got him - and then I rolled a 1 on the survival roll ...

So, he is gone for good and I don't feel like playing his warband with the apprentice in his place, losing 10 levels.

We will see how those damn wizards like my new man - Daylan Doombreaker, the Distortionist.
He has already completed the Dark Alchemy campaign and proved to be really capable. Maybe they will wish old Jakobus back ...

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