Montag, 15. Oktober 2018

The Summoner and the Djinn

En'ki Nar'duk, Master of Infernals, Enslaver of Souls, frowned. He had come to this land of ice and snow to claim his rightful share of treasures and knowledge in the spoils of the Great Empire That Was. And now, he could see a band of vermin scuttle over the ruins in search of treasure that was rightfully his!

Miraclepaw, the Mouslings called their so-called wizard. He was a trickster, a huckster, vermin on the inside as he was on the outside. His apprentice was no better, this screeching female named Hasela.

The summoner let his dark eyes fall on Salvatore, his apprentice. The boy with the blonde hair was naive as he was idealistic - not really the stuff a summoner was made of. But magic flowed strong through him and he had a talent for overpowering the will of others.

He had assembled a troop of he most capable soldiers he could pay for. Two cutpurses, men that stole faster than the eye could see. A red-haired beauty who was a crack-shot with her bow and a quiet man, that was as good with his bow as he was with his sword. Then there was the dark-clad man with sword and dagger, a hunter of treasures and men. And then there was the savage dog at his side, he called Remus.

"Get me anything you find", he ordered with his rich southern accent. "And if any of those critters interfere - kill them!"

Wizard, ranger, thief and warhound

Apprentice, thief, treasure hunter and archer

Wizard and rangers

Setup and deployment

Eli Quicknight opened the chest before him. The blinking of gold confirmed that this was indeed worth the trouble - but then he froze. There was a golden lamp inside the chest, shining with an inner light. He could not resist, he had to grab it.
But just as he looked at the lamp from all sides, a green mist was pouring out of it, forming into something vaguely human a few strides away ...
Ludovico, the treasure hunter, swore. "Idiot! You never dabble with those things! Pray your foolishness doesn't get us all killed!"

Master Nar'duk unleashed the ball of magical fire onto the Djinn and engulfed the creature in green flames. Only moments afterwards, a ball of blue fire crashed into the burning Djinn, cast from above the summoner, and blue and green flames mixed into a flaming turquoise. The death scream of the Djinn resounded through the ruins as he dissipated ...

The Mouslings carrying away the treasure

Master Nar'duk looked upon the field of battle with disdain. Blood painted the snow, his men slowly coming to, moaning as the pain set in. The Djinn had proven a formidable foe, but he had perished like all the others that had stood in his way.
"The Mouslings have carried Miraclepaw and Hasela away - and quite a haul of treasure, Master."
The black eyes of the wizard burned with rage as he turned towards Salvatore. 
"Do not remind me of your incompetence!"
"Master, I'm no soldier, I can't lead these men ..."
The wizard cut him off. "Silence, fool! I know perfectly well how incompetent you are. I will hire someone who can lead these simpletons in battle."
With a swirl of his robe, he turned around and stomepd off, back to their base.

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